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Understanding Hair Folicle Infection – Treating a Furuncle With Traditional and Natural Approaches

Understanding Hair Folicle Infection – Treating a Furuncle With Traditional and Natural Approaches


Hair follicle infection, otherwise called furuncle, is a form of skin infection that infects a hair follicle and all surrounding skin, creating boils. It is usually caused the staphylococcus aureus bacteria, but it can also be caused by other kinds of bacteria. Hair follicle infection occurs because damaged follicle allows the bacteria to enter the tissue. The boils are usually found on the buttocks, neck, face, armpit, and thighs.

The boils start out sore and pink, filled with clear fluid. As the boil's contents begin to include dead tissue and pus (the infection) they become more painful. Once the boil drains, pain begins to ease and the boils begin to heal. In some cases, the boils will drain on their own, but usually the sufferer initiated drainage.

Boils are usually small, but they can also be up to the size of a golf ball. Once they become completely infected they will turn yellow or white. You may also have other symptoms, like fever, itching, or fatigue. Psychologically, you can feel self-conscious but remember that most people are concerned with their own dramas and do not notice every little imperfection of another person.

Generally, hair follicle infection clears up on its own, but only after the boils start draining. It is important to clean draining boils frequently to avoid spreading the infection – and always wash your hands after touching any infected area. If you are using bandages, make sure that you are changing them regularly and disposing of the used ones in a bag that can be tied up before you put it into the trash can. The pain and itching can be treated with antibacterial soaps and topical anti-itch creams, but there are some natural treatments as well. In certain cases, your doctor may recommend an antibiotic to clear the infection.

Herbal supplements and herbal topical treatments can prove to be quite helpful in managing the itching and pain of a hair follicle infection. Calendula has soothing properties, and is a natural disinfectant. Burning irritation can also be soothed with witch hazel compresses. Crushed garlic is extremely effective for itchy areas, although it does have a pungent odor some find negative. Flax seed oil is a good supplement for skin health.


Source by Dee Cohen

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