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Wedding Blessings

Wedding Blessings


One of the joyous occasions we get to experience is weddings. They are usually filled with love, joy and laughter. We usually attend weddings in order to wish the bride and groom a happy life and a productive one as well. That is usually what we call wedding blessings.

A Wedding blessing is usually happy spearaches or toast that you bestow on the married couple. It is usually your way of showing that you are happy with the union of the two and you tell them that may their marriage and love last for as long as their lives and wish them good wishes. Wedding blessing usually can come from anyone but most importantly the parents of the groom and the bride as well as the closest friends usually are the ones that give them. They can come in the form of a toast or long chapters.

Usually the blessings are sentimental, sweet, cheerful, humorous and funny. You will find that everyone will probably want to put a word or two but usually the best thing is to go according to how the wedding was rehearsed. To receive blessing at your wedding is an encouragement from others that they believe your marriage and love will last the test of time. Blessings are gifts from God to you that act as encouragement and faith. When people give you goodwill and blessings they are wishing you all the best and much more.

When you make a blessing at your friends wedding be sure to get all the words right especially if it is a traditional blessing such as the ones the Irish and the Jews are known to give. You could try some of the things and maybe mix it up with some of yours and make the perfect blessing to bless your friends.


Source by Peter Gitundu

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