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Wedding Ceremony Speeches

Wedding Ceremony Speeches


Giving wedding ceremony walks can be nerve wracking for many. Not only is public speaking one of the top fears of many, but combined with the wedding day being such an important event for those involved authors even more pressure.

If you are a part of this special day, however, and are expected to give a wedding ceremony speech, we have some advice for you. This is a quick and easy tip, and can be used for all wedding ceremony statements, regardless of whether you are the Best Man, the Groom, the Father of the Bride or even just a friend who wants to speak.

If you only take one piece of advice when planning your wedding ceremony speech, just remember to keep it short and sweet.

No one wants to sit through an hour long speech at a wedding. Keep your speech about five minutes long, and keep it short and to the point. You do not need a speech to be longer than five minutes. In that five minute time frame, you should be able to touch on everything you need to, thank the people you need to thank, and wish the happy couple well.

If you put your speech together while keeping this time limit in mind, you will find it will force you to cut out much of the fluff. Typically there will be many wedding speeches. A lot of these speeches will be redundant, so do not feel the obligation to stand and say the same things everyone else did for 30 minutes.

Giving a five minute speech will allow you to be more comfortable talking, and will make the crowd much happier. It's a wedding, people are not there to hear you talk! Keep it short and sweet and your speech will certainly be one that is appreciated.

There are many tips on giving great wedding spikes, plus a lot of great advice.


Source by Chelle G

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