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Wedding Toast Tips


The big day is quickly approaching and in the midst of all the fun and excitement, rises the thought … "Wedding Toast" and you instantly, get the heeby jeebies. You've tried to sketch it in your head a million times or better yet you've sketched it on paper, but not one bit of the smart, witty, humorous lines you intended looks to come.

Do not despairs you do not have to be a comedian to give an excellent toast. If you are naturally comedic by all means go ahead, if not, just be yourself. Be yourself? I know it sounds cheesy, but a mysterious character change is foolish to try and pull off on someone's wedding day. If you know you get really nervous in front of crowds its OK to use cue cards to help you along.

You may wonder to yourself, "How do I start?" Well one easy way to start is to introduce yourself. If you are not known by at least half of the crow it would be wise to let them know who your are and
what relation you have to the couple. Tell them a little about your personality, but do not over do it as this is about the couple and not about you.

And what do I say? You can mention admirable qualities about the bride and groom. Take a trip down memory lane; talk about an experience you all shared and all the good things you wish for their lives. Express your utmost desire for their happiness. However, do not mention previous girlfriends, boyfriends and spouses. Do not talk about the honeymoon or their personal plans for the future (Children, Pregnancy, moving away etc) You can not even imagine how sad and awkward that can be.

Also keep in mind when writing that there are various ages of people in attendance so clean it up. This is probably the most important event of their lives so try not to screw it up for them.

How do I end the toast? Well, by actually having a toast. Do not forget to call for a toast, invite all present to raise their glasses with you. You can say something like to Betsy and Brian may all your days …. (I'll let you fill in the blanks.) And at the end of it all say something like "cheers" for instance to let everyone know that the toast is over.

And that's it in a nutshell, so long as you remember to, be yourself, talk about the good times and not talk about the bad (EX- girlfriends and boyfriends). You make sure to keep in mind the audience, and to properly introduce yourself. Everything will be fine.

Keep it short and sweet and it will be the toast of a lifetime.


Source by Thara Washington

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