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Scrapbooking on a Budget – Free Tips and Design Ideas

Scrapbooking on a Budget – Free Tips and Design Ideas


One major drawback with scrapbooking can be the cost. Like most hobbies, it is not always cheap. Walking into a scrapbooking shop can be fatal to the Visa card. To discover ways of continuing with your creativity while remaining within budget read the hints below.

1. Keep your eyes open. Keep on the lookout everywhere for scrapbooking supplies. Remember they do not have to be specifically designed for scrapbooking to use them. This does not mean you have to rummage through the 'cheap shops' on the lookout. Look at things like threads for stitching. I saw packs of threads in a scrapbooking shop with an exorbitant price tag. Buying these threads from a sewing shop or better still rummaging through your Great Aunt's stash can save you money and may even end up with something nicer – like silk instead of cotton!

2. Get creative with Magazines. The cost of buying magazines can add up in a very short time. Why not try some creative solutions. Borrow them from the library. Go to the 'crop' at your local store and browse for inspiration with their magazines which are on the shelf for that purpose (not the new ones of course!). Probably my favorite is swapping. Get a group of friends and take turns to buy the magazines and rotate them around. This keeps fresh inspiration for you all while minimizing the cost.

3. Use the scraps. I know this sounds simple but do you really do it? Instead of approaching a layout with new papers and embellishments to use. Set yourself a challenge to use some of your scraps on the layout. This can cause you to be extra creative and can amaze yourself with your results.

4. Make cards. Another way of using up your scraps is making them into cards. Greeting cards work out so expensive so why not get creative. Use those little scraps of your beautiful papers, ribbons, flowers etc. and make them into stunning cards handmade with love.

5. Buy Well. This may seem contradictory but often the best way to budget is to buy expensive. If you are buying something a little expensive then you put more thought into the purchase and make sure you really want that item and will use it, then saving a pile of never to be used creative purchases. If you are a regular at 'cheap shops' you may find yourself walking out with more than you planned or need. This will work out costing you more in the long run. So be selective and buy exactly what you want.

Most of all have fun and enjoy being creative.


Source by Corinna Rhodes

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