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How to Make the Maid of Honor Wedding Toast Memorable

How to Make the Maid of Honor Wedding Toast Memorable


The maid of honor is usually someone who is very near and dear to the bride's heart. It will usually be a sister, or a very close friend. This person will know a lot about the bride, maybe even some things that her own parent's do not know about. Being the maid of honor at someone's wedding is a wonderful privilege, so do not miss your chance to help make this the most memorable day in the bride's life.

You can make the maid of honor wedding toast memorable in many different ways. You can use humor or sentiment but either way you should entertain the crowd and touch the bride's heart. The downloadable eBook "You Can Be a Wedding MC" is filled with information you can use to make your speeches fun to listen to.

Start out with a funny story about the bride and yourself to share with guests. It might be a story that happened in childhood, an embarrassing day, or even an instance where the bride helped you in some way, or was a big part of your life. Just use one story and take the speech from there. Avoid using multiple stories because the speech should be short and sweet. You want to avoid people getting bored because the speech is taking too long.

The maid of honor wedding toast is a very important part of any wedding so you should not take it lightly, or show up unprepared. Make the speech memorable without stealing the thunder of the bride or her mother. Your speech is going to be very memorable to the bride so make sure that you put a lot of thought into it and do not be surprised if she starts to tear up while you are giving it.


Source by Betty Seymore

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