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Personalized Wedding Favor

Personalized Wedding Favor


You will certainly spend plenty of time to prepare for your wedding. There are wedding invitations, wedding cake, caterer for your reception and many more. Among all these items, you may find it quite difficult to find the wedding favor that is perfect. In fact, the wedding favor is very essential in a wedding in a sense that it is a way to say thank you to your guests.

You can easily find huge number of online shops when you are searching on the web. You can see how many results you can get when you type "wedding favor shop" in Google. There may also be quite a number of local stores around the area you live in. You can just choose from all these shops and buy the wedding favor you want. The wedding favors these shops provide are usually beautiful and elegant. However, if you think beautiful and elegant is not enough and want to make your wedding favor more special, you can prepare personalized wedding favor for your guests.

In this article personalized wedding favor does not mean that a favor that is personalized with your wedding logo. Instead it is personalized for every guest. It may be a time consuming job to prepare a "different" favor for every guest. However, it can be very sweet of you if you can do that and in fact "different" does not really mean completely different. You can prepare wedding favor of the same category but of different ingredients for your guests.

One of the easiest ways to create such kind of wedding favor is using food as your favor. Everyone should have their most favorite food. If you know John loves cookies very much, you can prepare cookies for him. The guests will feel really amazing when they know that you have prepared different food for every guest.

Beside food, you should be able to think of other kinds of personalized wedding favor. The key is to use your imagination and try to prepare it with your greatest sincere. You can certainly prepare black chocolate for your best friend Amy and at the same time prepare a box of cigar for Uncle Jimmy. The only constraint here is the budget I suppose.

You may think that it may be difficult to prepare personalized wedding favor as you do not know the taste of everyone. It is in fact very true, especially for a large wedding with say 300 guests. It will be not be enough possible for you to prepare the favor.

Indeed the idea of ​​personalized wedding favor fits a small wedding better. In a small wedding all the guests are very close friends and relatives of you. In this case it is better to prepare for the wedding favor. If you are going to hold a big wedding, however, you can consider preparing personalized favor for your close friends and relatives while preparing "normal" favors for the other guests. Although it is not the perfect arrangement, at the end of the day we have to be realistic, by considering both of our time and budget.


Source by Jerry Leung

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