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Effective and Natural Breast Enhancement

Effective and Natural Breast Enhancement


Are there really natural breast enhancement techniques or treatments available? I find that hard to believe because that seems similar to the male “enhancement” treatments that we all heard of before and I don’t believe that stuff works either. I read there are various exercises a woman can do in order to increase the size of her breast naturally, I mean that could be possible but anything COULD be possible. You would think the only real way to increase the size is doubling up on the bras or getting or wearing a push-up bra. Some even have suggested make up to make them look bigger.

I doubt any creams or pills will make them really become bigger so I would avoid those type of “wonder pills”. I guess another way to increase the size is to gain weight but that isn’t a healthy or practical solution. I heard that taking birth control pills will help increase the size but that may be true in only a few cases. Natural herbs are good for us but if they promise to increase the size then they might be fibbing. Herbs such as Wild Ham, Dong Quai, Blessed Thistle, Fennel Seed, and Fenugreek have been linked with increasing breast size but there are no guarantee’s they will.

If you are not happy with your breast size you could always consider surgery but sometimes they look worse off then before. Personally I’m not a fan of breast augmentation so if you want to increase the size at least try it the natural way. Natural breast enhancement may be possible but appreciate what God gave you and you will be fine.


Source by W. P. Allen

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