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Grow Longer Lashes in Weeks

Grow Longer Lashes in Weeks


For as long as anyone can remember, women have been trying to grow longer, thicker and darker lashes. Nowadays, there is an alternative to short and sparse lashes, in the form of a solution that is applied to the eyelashes to not only grow longer lashes, but also thicker, darker lashes. This latest method is both safe and effective.

Amongst the many different and varied methods to grow longer lashes is by using mascara. Although there is a lot of brand choice, the differences between these products is minimal. In fact, in some cases the only differences that you can tell may only be a different shape bottle or change of product name. However, these products do work, making lashes longer, thicker and darker, but the results are temporary, often ending with running without using a waterproof product.

Another of the alternatives is fake eyelashes, with rapidly reducing prices over recent years. Once again there are good and bad. The good products look genuine and blend in nicely, where the cheaper versions often fall off, do not last as long and do not blend in as well as dearer brands. Luckily, fake lashes are made in different styles, shades and shapes to fit the needs of each individual woman. Also available are individual lashes that fit in between the natural lashes to make them appear thicker. Feedback from many women indicates that the main drawback to this product is the use of glue, which is messy, and placement, which requires a steady hand.

One of the latest developments has been the introduction for public use, of eyelash growth serums, which have become amazingly popular over a short period of time. They work by using various vitamins and conditioners in the form of a solution, making it as easy to apply as mascara. These attach themselves to the hair follicles, resulting in longer, thicker lashes. When applied once a day, within a couple of weeks, good results will be achieved. These products are very popular today, because the resulting eyelashes look so natural.

The use of this eyelash growth serum has not only proven cost effective, but also the lashes do not fall out or wash off, and above all they are all yours. You only have to read beauty magazines to find testimonials from celebrities who have used and achieved great results after using the serum.


Source by Roger Clinton

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