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Hair Pulling Treatment – You Can Conquer Your Trichotillomania!

Hair Pulling Treatment – You Can Conquer Your Trichotillomania!


"Hair pulling treatment" may sound like something done by hairdressers – or maybe even some sort of playground punishment among today's children – but the truth is that it exists as an officially recognized form of medical therapy to combat symptoms of adverse behavior that institute reason to be genuinely concerned about one's health. Destructive emotions can come in many forms – there have been plenty of stories of one being terrified by another's (or one's own!) Stress, anxiety, anger, fear etc. Besides the person showing these emotions sometimes being a risk to those around them, they may harm themselves … such as in the form of trichotillomania (given the Greek roots of the word, it means "hair pulling madness"). The pain or rush of action replaces the negative emotion – if only temporarily – but it is all done in vain and there is no reason not to consider it irrational behavior in the worst of cases. "Hair pulling treatment" is all about stopping or reducing it.

There are two common branches of hair pulling treatment: medication therapy and behavioral therapy. If behavioral therapy, with all its psychological implications, should not be the preferred method of a particular trichotillomania sufferer, then that sufferer may wish to become familiar with the particular drugs that are used to treat the disease. It would seem that the most reliable one is Clomipramine (Anafranil). Clomipramine (Anafranil), costly but powerful, is a known antidepressant containing serotonergic properties. Clomipramine (Anafranil) is listed as a tricyclic antidepressant.

It is unquestionably that Clomipramine is any more effective than behavioral therapy (preferably non-intrusive). After all, it is not hard to envision the situation of powerful antidepressants creating chemical imbalances in one's brain; This is all the more believable when trichotillomania is but psychologically rooted. Indeed, Clomipramine's side effects are varied: one such group is central nervous system pathologies such as lightheadness and dizziness, headaches, confusion, fatigue, increased anxiety, fatigue, agitation, nightmares and even seizures. Also, it may give rise to hypomania or schizophrenia (in which case therapy should be terminated immediately) and extra-pyramidial side-effects (pseudoparkinsonism, dyskinesia). Next to this is a range of anticholinergic side effects which severity may vary; these things can include dry mouth and constipation, or sweating, difficulties in urinating, or precipitation of glaucoma. Other possibilities are listed as antiadrenergic side effects (hypotension, postural collapse, arrhythmias); but also gain gain, heartburn, nausea, bruxism, and, often, sexual deficiencies in men.

Clomipramine (Anafranil) first originated in the 1960's, created by Swiss pharmacist Geigy (also known as Novartis).

Another form of hair pulling treatment is hypnotherapy, although many may excuse that this is nowhere near as commonly used as behavioral therapy or the use of stuff like Clomipramine (Anafranil).


Source by Henry Woods

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