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Top 3 DHT Blockers: Minoxidil, Trichogen, and Saw Palmetto

Top 3 DHT Blockers: Minoxidil, Trichogen, and Saw Palmetto


What is a DHT Blocker?

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a hormone that increases in our body as we age. It is produced when the hormone 5 alpha-reductase binds with testosterone. DHT attacks, shrinks, and kills the hair follicles, causing hair loss, hair thinning, and/or baldness. DHT is more abundant in men than in women because men produce more testosterone. Hair loss happens because DHT shocks the hair follicles, causing the patient to lose hair. The purpose of a DHT blocker is to prevent the binding of testosterone and alpha-reductase, therefore saving more hair follicles. With the absence of DHT, hair grows normally and with proper nourishment and care, you can keep your hair long and beautiful.

Two Ways to block DHT

There are two ways to block DHT. The first way is to prevent it from binding to the hair follicles. The second is to block it before it is made. Many products on the market are formulated to block DHT. In this article, we will cover the top 3 DHT blockers that are proven to fight pattern baldness and thinning. They are Trichogen, Saw Palmetto, and Minoxidil.

What is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is recommended by many doctors to fight pattern baldness. It is a potent DHT blocker. Minoxidil is derived from a plant extract. While the product efficiently stops hair loss, it has many possible side effects such as nausea, difficulty breathing, fainting, headaches, scalp irritations, to name a few. Many hair loss patients however, have claimed to be very satisfied with Minoxidil. Rogain, for example, contains Minoxidil. Minoxidil can be purchased over the counter. Some hair loss treatment specialists have stated that the use of Rogain in the long run might cause hair loss to resume.

What is Trichogen?

Trichogen helps break down DHT. Those who are not able to tolerate Minoxidil can use Trichogen to stop baldness and thinning and experience even better results. Trichogen is a combination of natural herbal extracts designed to block DHT. It increases blood flow to the scalp and provides needed amino acids that help jump- start new growth. Trichogen also protects hair against UV-B rays. It is an extreme hair growth stimulant. Trichogen works well at the hairline and the crown. In addition, it stimulates and thickens hair. Trichogen can be found in the form of shampoo, conditioner, topical solution, and follicle stimulator.

What is Saw Palmetto?

Saw Palmetto is also a natural alternative to Minoxidil. It does everything Minoxidil does without any side effects. It is derived from herbs and just like Minoxidil, it is FDA approved to fight male and female pattern baldness. Saw Palmetto lowers DHT levels in the body and prevents cell membranes from absorbing DHT. When combined with Sitosterol, a compound found in plants, Saw Palmetto is a safe and natural DHT blocker for moderate pattern baldness. It is usually sold alone in the form of capsules, or combined with Sitosterol in various hair loss treatments.

It is beneficial to fight baldness or thinning with natural remedies instead of chemicals ones. Selecting healthy foods that provide essential nutrients to the hair is also recommended.

A Cure for Pattern Baldness

So far, there is no cure for pattern baldness and thinning, but there are solutions available to help you keep your hair. These top 3 DHT blockers are the most potent, natural hair loss treatments and may be tried before attempting surgical solutions.

Mira Love


Source by Mira Love

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